SEPAC: The 100th Anniversary of The West Show

For immediate release   23 September2013

Guernsey Post announces that it is delighted to celebrate the 100th birthday of the West Show, Guernsey's biggest traditional country show, with its latest stamp issue for SEPAC[1]. Held annually since 1913, this agricultural and horticultural show remains extremely popular even today.

Prizewinning produce (40p) is one of the mainstays of the Show and the display tent is brimming with grow-your-own, home-baking and traditional country crafts.

Livestock are also exhibited, although the clear star of the Show is the world renowned Guernsey cow (55p), Guernsey Post's Sepac stamp.  Famous for her rich, golden milk, the Guernsey cow plays a major role in the island's farming heritage.

Working horse events are also a key spectacle, with brewery and dray horses dressed in their polished brasses to recreate a bygone age (63p). Engines and machinery are displayed alongside the animals and there are a number of local enthusiasts who have lovingly restored tractors and hay-kickers (79p).  Steam engines are also a popular attraction (53p).

The main event is the Grand Pageant, where locals dress in traditional costume to re-enact the customs of the past, helping to preserve a valuable part of Guernsey's heritage (71p).

Dawn Gallienne, head of philatelic at Guernsey Post, said: - "The illustrations on our commemorative stamps capture perfectly the spirit of this three-day event, which is a highlight of the summer in the island."

The issue is available to order online now at or by calling Philatelic Customer Services on (01481) 716486.

-End release-

Press enquiries to:
Sarah Amies, Amies PR, 01484 687040/07811 133973
Dawn Gallienne, head of philatelic, Guernsey Post   01481 733524


Note to editors:
Formed in January 1913 as the West United Agricultural and Horticultural Society, the first Show took place in September that year, reflecting the importance of farming in the island.

Stamp specification:
Date of issue: 24 September 2013
Designer: Joel Kirk
Printer: Lowe-Martin
Values: 40p, 53p, 55p, 63p, 71p, 79p
Process: Offset Lithography
Stamp sizes: 30.5mm deep x 40mm wide
Paper: 100gsm unwatermarked/PVA Adhesive
Perforation: 13.33 x 12.5
Sheet:  50
Cylinder: A


[1] The Small European Postal Administration Cooperation (also Small European Postal Administrations Cooperation or SEPAC) is an association of 13 European postal authorities. They are Åland, the Faroe Islands, Gibraltar, Greenland, Guernsey, Iceland, the Isle of Man, Jersey, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, San Marino and Vatican City.